Friday, August 17, 2007

New Home-Based, Home Theater Company With A Vision (And Heart) For The General Public, And The Youth.

Although it might not seem quite so obvious when viewing the Visual-Cue website at, the company is entirely owned & operated as a home-based-business; located in Riverview, FL, just 20 miles or so southeast of Tampa FL. And on top of that, a single individual wears all the company hats.

"It's comical at times to hear vendors' reactions when they find out they're speaking with not only the owner, but the webmaster, accountant, buyer, purchaser, publicist, etc.,", laughs Michael McCormick, the visionary behind Visual-Cue.

Visual-Cue is a Home Theater electronics reseller, providing such product as DVD Players, Loudspeakers, Plasma Tvs, and "practical" Home Theater guides and a recent free downloadable ebook on connecting a basic system.

Michael started Visual-Cue just over a year ago; leaving a 17 year-long applications computer programming career. He became disillusioned with Corporate America, and decided to pursue something more worthwhile.

"The money and challenge was and is great in programming, but the "politics" are a real drag, and you don't really feel as though you're making a contribution into anyone's life, except maybe the shareholders."

So Michael decided to pursue the American Dream of owning his own business, while at the same time, addressing a deeper calling he's always had.

"I've ALWAYS had a heart for the youth; as long as I can remember. I used to be a member of Big Brothers & Sisters as well, many years ago. I've also ALWAYS had an active interest in Home Audio and Video, for the past 20 years or so. So I thought I'd take a step...a leap of faith and see if I could have my cake and eat it too!"

During the week, Michael concentrates on how and where to market Visual-Cue, with the funds from his own savings. On the weekends, he's able to concentrate on the 3rd-5th grade boys and girls he encourages/instructs, as a volunteer "Large Group" and "Small Group" Leader at Baylife Church in Brandon Florida. "If I could make a living just by encouraging/interacting with the kids, that would be ideal! But I haven't figured out how to work that one yet" laughs Michael.

"I've learned a LOT in the last year. The internet is HUGE, and not having the same venture capital as the major electronics franchises definitely limits your options and creativity. But because I'm home-based, I'm able to provide some of the same quality-brand product at substantial savings, since I have very low overhead, and can pass the savings on to the customer. I'm not trying to get rich, just make a living."

So if you need a more personalized Home Theater advisor, someone to provide "practical", not-commission-driven information before or after you make a purchase, you might want to check out Visual-Cue.

And in the process, you'll be contributing to the lives of some well-deserving youth as well.

For information about Diy home theater rooms, visit

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